About Riverview Catholics

Riverview Catholics Family of Parishes

Holy Cross - Immaculata is part of The Riverview Catholics Family, which also includes:

Our Lord Christ the King at 3223 Linwood Avenue 45226                    St Rose at 2501 Riverside Drive 45202

St Stephen at 3804 Eastern Avenue 45226                        St Francis de Sales* at 1600 Madison Road 45206

Fr Adam Puntel is the pastor of Holy Cross - Immaculata, Christ the King, St Rose, and St Stephen,

with Fr Eric Roush and Fr Jeremy Stubbs as Parochial Vicars. See About HCI for contact information.

*Fr Michael Nartker, SM is the pastor of St Francis de Sales. The Marianist priests will continue to pastor St. Francis de Sales as long as their order remains at the church.

Registered members in the Riverview Catholic Family of Parishes are eligible for the "in parish" tuition rate at Cardinal Pacelli School. We are blessed to have a school that offers Pre-School through Grade 8 in our Family of Parishes.

Mass Schedule in the Riverview Catholic Family of Parishes

Holy Cross Immaculata Christ the King St Rose St Stephen
Saturday 4:00pm 4:30pm 7:00pm 6:00pm
Sunday 11:00am 9:00am, 5:00pm 8:30am, 10:30am, 12:00pm 10:00am
Monday 6:00pm* 8:15am 9:00am
Tuesday 8:00am **12:10pm 9:00am
Wednesday *** 8:15am **12:10pm 9:00am
Thursday 8:00am *12:10pm 9:00am
Friday 8:15am * 12:10pm 9:00am

* followed by Eucharistic Adoration

**Eucharistic Adoration from 11:00am-noon, before Mass

*** Eucharistic Adoration on the second Wednesday of each month, from 2-4:00pm

**** in the rectory, except on Holy Days

Holy Day Mass Schedule in the Riverview Catholic Family of Parishes

Christ the King St Stephen St Rose Holy Cross Immaculata
Vigil 5:00pm
Holy Day 8:15am 9:00am 12:10pm 6:00pm

Riverview Catholics Calendar

CTK = Christ the King     HCI = Holy Cross – Immaculata     STR = St. Rose     STS = St. Stephen

Riverview Catholics Pastoral Council:

The Pastoral Council  for Riverview Catholics' four parishes has been in place since fall 2023. The council has three representatives from each parish and meets monthly. The Pastoral Council is the principal organization through which parishioners, through their representatives, share pastoral consultation, planning, and evaluation, resulting in recommendations to the pastor.

Parishioners can register questions, comments, or recommendations by calling 513-997-6933 or emailing pastoralcouncil@riverviewcatholics.org. A Council member will respond to your message.

Jon Hemmer (SR), Mike Keating (SS), Mike Kovasckitz (SS), Gerry Lanham (CtK), Steve Nickolas (HCI), Amy Obermeyer (HCI), Tina Russo (HCI), TJ Russo (SS), Chris Ryan (SR), Don Saelinger (CtK), James Sanitato (SR), and Marianne Scott Emmert (CtK)

Parish Council is working to establish an executive team and to create a Family Hospitality Committee and a Family Evangelization Committee. A Family Worship Committee has been formed and is already sharing resources!

Each Parish has a separate Finance Council - Parish finances are not merged; the finance councils are not merging until they do.

Becoming Catholic at

Riverview Catholics

Order of Christian Initiation for Adults

Inquiry Period: September 5 - November 15, 2024. Contact Fr Eric Roush for more information.

Riverview Catholics Prayer Groups

The HCI Women's Prayer Group meets weekly on Fridays 12:45-2:15pm in the parish center.

We are reading Reed of God for Advent! Let us know if you are interested in joining us.

ZOOM Bible Study & Rosary

St Stephen

Tuesdays: 1:30 and 2:15pm

Sign up: rosaryandgospelgroup@gmail.com

Wednesday Women's Bible Study

Christ the King, The Cross and Crown Atrium; Noon-1:30pm

Contact Patty Green to register

Religious Education and Sacramental Prep (2024-2025)

Riverview Catholics offers Catholic Religious Education for grade school children enrolled in Public Schools and Home Schoolers. Classes are designed to help children grow in their relationship with Jesus and prepare for the reception of Sacraments. Children study scripture, prayer, Catholic doctrine, and Catholic traditions alongside catechists that are passionate about their faith.

We are offering a Sunday morning Home School Option through St. Stephen Church and traditional classes on Mondays or Tuesdays at Christ the King Atrium. Go to the
CCD/Sacramental Prep page to register for the Fall 2024 Religious Education Classes

For more information:
St. Stephen SUNDAY Program -
Contact Julie Clifton
Christ the King CCD Program -
Contact Emily Daley. Registration for Sunday Pre-School at CtK will be open in August.


First Communion is usually received when a child is in the second grade. Children must be enrolled in Religious Education Classes for both 1st and 2nd grade in order to be adequately prepared for First Communion in May of their 2nd grade year.
Confirmation will be offered in the Spring of 2026 at the Cathedral; Preparation for Confirmation begins in the Fall of 2024. Confirmation requires 2 years of preparation.
If you have questions about the reception of Sacraments for the Children in Riverview Catholics, contact Emily Daley at
daley_e@olctk.org or 513-321-4121

We are about to begin Phase 3 (of 5 phases) of the Beacons of Light Transition

Beacons of Light is a multiyear process of pastoral planning under way in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Rooted in prayer, groups of parishes will come together as one faith community. These new Families of Parishes will be stronger together, focused more on mission than on maintenance. The Archdiocese undertook this process in order to determine how to best array our resources – human, physical and financial – to spread the Gospel far and wide.

Stay informed about Beacons of Light. 

Access to the Beacons of Light Pastoral Planning Pathway digital platform is available to anyone, not just parish leaders. Create a free user account at http://pathway.catholicaoc.org to stay informed about the planning process, to better understand the work being done in our Family of Parishes, and to learn how you can contribute.

Read the Parish Vitality Report HERE

The formation of the family Parish Council closed out the need for the Pathways Team, which was created earlier in the process in response to the Beacons of Light initiative. The team aimed to collaboratively guide our 4, ultimately 5, parishes toward one parish. They addressed short term goals revolving around staff. A transitional name was chosen for our Family of Parishes. "Riverview Catholics" is a temporary geographical name until we have one unified canonical parish in approximately 5 years.

Stay informed:

Town Hall Meeting on December 18, 2022

Read the June 2022 parish update HERE.

In response to the Beacons of Light initiative, an ad hoc transition team* met regularly to ensure Holy Cross - Immaculata Parish Community was prepared to be an integral member of its Family of Parishes when we joined in July.

So we can better advocate for HCI, we invite those who have not yet responded to take the 2021 HCI Parish Survey so your input is ultimately included as we prepare HCI for the Transition to our Family of Parishes. We have compiled the results of the survey so far - let us know if you would like a summary.

*The Beacon of Light HCI Core team had a great response to our survey and would like to thank all who participated in the survey and/or attended one of the meetings. So that we can share with the whole community the results from the 2021 HCI survey, please review the summary of the results. Please also review our two documents that offer an overview of our preparation for the transition. The first document "Parish Handout" details what the team has accomplished and what we are working on. The second document "Binder Reports" gives a brief description of each of the reports we have or are collecting for Fr Adam and our family of parishes.

Thank you from the Core Team,

Elaine Goldschmidt     513-608-8675     ejacobhrd@aol.com

Bob Gottmer              513-502-7308     rgottmer@gmail.com
Eric Koren                 513-706-4810     switchkd@yahoo.com

Amy Obermeyer         513-439-2342     amygamo@gmail.com
Tina Russo                 513-535-7694     russot7197@yahoo.com

Our visitor books were analyzed to obtain data on approximately how many people visit HCI, and which cities, states, and international countries did the visitors come from. We intend to strengthen the validity that HCI is a Beacon of Light destination for drawing various non-HCI parishioner visitors locally, from the Tri-State, from numerous states, and international countries.

View the report

Immaculata Church and the Holy Cross - Immaculata Parish Community have strong connections to the neighborhood or Mt Adams as well as to Greater Cincinnati. Many would argue that the connection extends well beyond the limits of Cincinnati (See the visitor report above!). Parishioner Jim Steiner spelled out what the connections look like here at HCI.

View the report

Please join us in praying this updated prayer, originally written for our 150th anniversary
Prayer for Holy Cross-Immaculata's Beacons of Light Transition

Originally written for the Sesquicentennial Celebration, By Parishioner, Jim Sargent, 2009

*Updated for the Beacons of Light Transition
Lord, You have brought us to this moment. We stand in a long line of men and women called, inspired, and led by the Holy Spirit. Hear our prayer as we honor 162 years* of Catholic presence in Mt. Adams. We thank you for bringing us to this place. We cherish the legacy of all who envisioned Jesus’ presence at Holy Cross-Immaculata. We pray that Christ is present through our lives and our witness. Now, Father, as we peer into the future, we ask you to inspire us. Grant us your vision of purpose. Stir us now so that in distant moments others will look back upon our faith, courage, vision, and witness to give thanks and take encouragement.

We pray this, in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ who is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Amen

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