The principal organization whereby parishioners, through their representatives, share in pastoral consultation, planning, and evaluation resulting in recommendations to the pastor.
If you are interested in serving on Pastoral Council, please contact Fr. Adam for more information. If you have any questions or comments, please contact a current member of Council:
Anna Cristo,
Amy Obermeyer, or
Tina Russo
These 3 HCI members make up 1/4 of the Riverview Catholics Pastoral Council. Each parish has 3 representatives.
Contact members of the Riverview Catholics Pastoral Council: 513-997-6933 or
Members advise the pastor in the financial actions taken to carry out the mission of the Church
If you are interested in serving on Finance Council, please contact Fr. Adam for more information. If you have any questions or comments, please contact a current member of Finance:
Dennis Daugherty, Eric Koren, Bill Moran, Pete Prokop, or Dan Torbeck
Charlie DeZarn attends as Parish Accountant
We welcome parishioners and visitors to deeper community by providing hospitality and invitation to life in faith.
Interested in any of the following programs? Send a message to and your email will be forwarded to the chairperson.
Music Ministry
The choir sings traditional hymns at the 11:00 am Mass on Sunday Morning. Please contact Rachael if you are interested in singing with them.
Cantors provide support to the assembly’s song as well proclaiming the Responsorial Psalm.
Liturgical Ministers – Mimi Prokop
Our weekend celebration of Mass involves many people. We are particularly grateful for those who assist as Liturgical Ministers:
Women’s Prayer Group – Amy Obermeyer and Mimi Prokop
Open to all Riverview Catholic women who wish to deepen their prayer life with focus on prayers for the parish community followed by discussion of shared spiritual resources.
Hospitality Sundays – the Women’s Prayer Group
Post-Mass brunch in the Parish Center. Check the bulletin or the newsletter for dates and times.
Come for the faith, and be nourished.
Golf Outing – Jim Horrigan
Festival – Tina Russo
Lenten Soup Suppers
Prepare and serve a soup supper during Lent, followed by a Lenten reflection led by one of our parish priests.
Good Friday Hospitality
Various events provide hospitality and enhance the faith experience for the pilgrims.
Volunteer here
We serve and care for the needs of others through charity and social justice.
Interested in any of the following programs? Send a message to and your email will be forwarded to the chairperson.
Collection Projects
Parishioners are invited to purchase specific items for the needy which are then distributed to agencies serving the poor.
Tender Mercies Lunch – the Orange Marmalade Liturgical Society
Provides lunch on the first Wednesday of each month at Tender Mercies.
Giving Tree
Organize and collect Christmas gifts from parishioners that are given to Old St Mary's, St Leo, and Tender Mercies to share with adults and children in need.
Riverview Catholics St. Vincent de Paul Conference
Many volunteer opportunities (ministries):
1) Administrative support
2) Home visits provide basic emergency assistance (food, clothing, rent, utilities, prescription drugs, and furniture) and spiritual support to neighbors in need
3) Distributing Holy Communion (Eucharistic visits on Sundays at nearby nursing homes or to homebound parishioners
4) Annual special projects
Team goal: build our faith and friendships together by serving our neighbors in need!
If you are ready to make a difference in our community and join our St. Vincent de Paul team, please reach out to
Don Saelinger at 513-543-9049 or or
Sharon Weckel at 513-235-1706 or
If you are unable to give of your time and talent, please consider your treasure. You can donate to the Riverview Catholics Family of Parishes’ St. Vincent de Paul conference on