
Holy Cross-Immaculata Parish

30 Guido Street 

Cincinnati, OH 45202-1716

Phone: (513)721-6544

After Hours Emergency:  (513) 321-4121 ext 2 for Fr Adam

Family Pastor Rev Adam Puntel FrAdamPastorS8@gmail.com
Parochial Vicar Rev Eric Roush roush_e@olctk.org
Parochial Vicar Rev Jeremy Stubbs frstubbs@olctk.org
Admin. Assistant Sharon Bertsch receptionist@hciparish.org
Pastoral Associate Amy Obermeyer parishoffice@hciparish.org
Weddings Amy Obermeyer weddings@hciparish.org
Funerals Elaine Fuell please call the office
Wedding Music Blake Callahan BCallahan@cathedralaoc.org
RC Operations Rachel Worley worley_r@olctk.org
HCI Accountant Charlie DeZarn Please call the office
RC Communications Katherine Swanson swanson_k@olctk.org
Maintenance Chris Ford chris@strosecincinati.org
Housekeeping Debbie Yacchari Please call the office
RC Pastoral Council 513-997-6933 pastoralcouncil@riverviewcatholics.org

OFFICE HOURS: 9am – 2pm, Monday through Thursday

To join our parish family, complete our

Registration Form

If you have any questions, e-mail parishoffice@hciparish.org or receptionist@hciparish.org or call 513-721-6544.

Registered members in each of the parishes of the Riverview Catholic Family of Parishes are eligible for the "in parish" tuition rate at Cardinal Pacelli School. Cardinal Pacelli School offers Pre-School through Grade 8.

The practice of requesting a Mass to be offered for loved ones is a beautiful and wonderful part of our Catholic tradition.

To request a Mass Intention, please contact Sharon in the Parish Office. Sharon will also light a candle on your behalf: 50¢ for a small candle and $3 for a large candle.

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